Stewart County School District - Dover, Tennessee - Public School District

Phone - 931-232-5176
Stewart County School District School District

Public Schools in This District

Stewart County School District Reviews

From: Mary Smith | submitted: Aug 30, 2009
Unfortunately as much as our family loved this community it is bogged down in the "you aren't from around here" mentality. Several children who aren't from the area all their lives have been prey to vicious attacks within the school from other children. Citing the validation that, "your child thinks they are better than everyone else" as justification. If you are looking to be treated fairly, you'll have to wait for Dr. Phillip Wallace to be permanently removed from his undeserved office. He would rather hire unqualified teachers assistants, than someone not originally from the county with experience for that very reason. They have stagnated as a town and consequently as a school system. This school system is living proof that an oligarchy run by a few with the right last name still exists.

Stewart County School District School District Data
County of Location: Stewart
Number of Schools in This District: 3
Student/Teacher ratio:
Total Students Pre Kindergarten - 12 Grade: 2,106
Total Males:
Total Females:
American Indian Students:
Asian/Pacific Islanders :
African Americans:
Total Staff: 323
Fulltime Teachers: 126
Ungraded Teachers: 0
Pre Kindergarten Teachers: 1
Kindergarten Teachers: 8
Elementary Teachers: 77
Secondary Teachers: 39
Elementary Guidance Counselors: 2
Secondary Guidance Counselors: 2
Total Guidance Counselors: 4
LEA Administrators: 4
School Administrators: 11
LEA Admin Support Staff:
School Admin Support Staff: 13
Student Support Services Staff:
Other Support Staff: 107
Library Media Support Staff:
Librarians Media Specialists: 3
Instructional Aides - Total: 56
Instructional Coordinators: