Wayne County School District - Waynesboro, Tennessee - Public School District

Phone - 931-722-3548
Wayne County School District School District

Public Schools in This District

Wayne County School District Reviews

From: Reece Matice | submitted: Mar 14, 2010
This school districe does not have a policy for hazing. They had an incident back in 2008 and still have not written a hazing policy according to TCA law. This school just recently had a male student plea gulity to sexual battery which happened on school property in juvenile court and the school has done nothing to the male student... but the female student has had to switch buses and now has to leave one hour earlier in the morning and gets home one hour later in the evening. This school system is very questionable when it comes to the safety of students and their history is that they stand behind the perpetrators and the victims have to bare the consequences.

Wayne County School District School District Data
County of Location: Wayne
Number of Schools in This District: 8
Student/Teacher ratio:
Total Students Pre Kindergarten - 12 Grade: 2,554
Total Males:
Total Females:
American Indian Students:
Asian/Pacific Islanders :
African Americans:
Total Staff: 390
Fulltime Teachers: 195
Ungraded Teachers: 1
Pre Kindergarten Teachers: 3
Kindergarten Teachers: 9
Elementary Teachers: 120
Secondary Teachers: 62
Elementary Guidance Counselors: 2
Secondary Guidance Counselors: 2
Total Guidance Counselors: 4
LEA Administrators: 10
School Administrators: 15
LEA Admin Support Staff:
School Admin Support Staff: 11
Student Support Services Staff:
Other Support Staff: 115
Library Media Support Staff:
Librarians Media Specialists: 7
Instructional Aides - Total: 34
Instructional Coordinators: