South Pittsburg High School - South Pittsburg, Tennessee - High School

South Pittsburg High School

Grades Taught/District Info
Male/Female Population
Male Female Total
0 0 0
Students by Race
Race Count %
American Indian - Alaskan 0 -
Asian - Pacific Islander 0 -
Black 0 -
Hispanic 0 -
White 0 -
Student by Grade Count
South Pittsburg High School Reviews

From: Marlene K Pittman | submitted: Jan 11, 2010
I think this school has a long way to go to become a good school. My hat is off to the principals for trying to make the changes needed and some good has changed but there is still so much more that should be changed. Just when I have visited school for short period of time, I see kids with ipods, not dressed appropriately, using foul language and just no respect for themselves, the school or for anything. There are many issues that I don't like nor approve of at all.

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